Here is a short MEL script to create an automated
Squash and Stretch Ball in Maya.
A video will accompany this on Vimeo.
The script is intended for
non commercial use only!
Load the following text into the
Script Editor in maya and
execute it
Use the
Squash and
Bend attributes
in the Channel Box to make it work.
(MMB right to left)
Enjoy !!
// Created by Tony Smith for student training and non commercial use only
// Please credit me if used any training context or use 09-03-2013 Tony Smith
if (`window -exists ballcreate`)
deleteUI ballcreate;
window -title "ballcreate"
-widthHeight 220 310
-maximizeButton off
rowColumnLayout -nc 8 keyableRCL;
button -label "ball" -w 75-c "BallcreateGroup()";
showWindow ballcreate;
global proc BallcreateGroup()
sphere -n ball -p 0 1 0 -ax 0 1 0 -ssw 0 -esw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -nsp 8 -ch 1;
circle -n ball_ctrl -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1;
addAttr -ln "Squash" -at double |ball_ctrl;
setAttr -e-keyable true |ball_ctrl.Squash;
addAttr -ln "bend" -at double |ball_ctrl;
setAttr -e-keyable true |ball_ctrl.bend;
select -r ball ;
nonLinear -type squash -lowBound 0 -highBound 1 -startSmoothness 0 -endSmoothness 0 -maxExpandPos 0.5 -expand .5 -factor 0;
setAttr "squash1Handle.translateY" 0;
setAttr "squash1Handle.scaleZ" 2;setAttr "squash1Handle.translateY" 0;
setAttr "squash1Handle.scaleX" 2;
setAttr "squash1Handle.scaleY" 2;
setAttr "squash1Handle.scaleZ" 2;
setAttr "squash1.factor" 0;
select -r ball ;setAttr "squash1.factor" 0;
nonLinear -type bend -lowBound 0 -highBound 1 -curvature 0;
setAttr "bend1Handle.rotateY" 90;
setAttr "bend1Handle.scaleX" 5;
setAttr "bend1Handle.scaleY" 5;
setAttr "bend1Handle.scaleZ" 5;
select -r squash1Handle bend1Handle ball;
select -tgl ball_ctrl ;
select -r ball_ctrl ;
connectAttr -force ball_ctrl.Squash squash1.factor;
connectAttr -force ball_ctrl.bend bend1.curvature;
select -cl ;
select -r squash1Handle bend1Handle ball ;
createDisplayLayer -name "DONOTTOUCH" -number 1 -nr;
select -cl ;
select -r squash1Handle bend1Handle ;
setAttr "bend1Handle.visibility" 0;
setAttr "squash1Handle.visibility" 0;
select -cl ;